Jupiter Gallops Over Home Turf ~ 5 Nov 2018

Thursday, Jupiter steps over the border from Scorpio to Sagittarius where he spends the next year and an additional few bonus weeks in the sign he rules. Actually, one of the signs he rules. He shares rulership of Pisces with his brother Neptune.


Jupiter enhances, embellishes, emblazons, enriches, expands and exaggerates everything he touches. Sagittarius is known for wisdom, philosophy, preaching, belief systems and anything outward bound, inherently progressive, inventive, and far-reaching.

Jupiter is also ambitious, extending his reach to grasp everything he can possibly scoop into his domain. He loves to accrue, acquire and aspires to stake out the broadest dominion imaginable. It would seem he’s a fan of empire building. As such, his expansiveness often inspires individuals to quest and seek and search and gain with unlimited abandon.

Actions and beliefs, when coordinated into consciousness agreement, create a seemingly magical alchemical approach to life. However, what if ones nature - those things it feels natural to do - are frowned upon in a larger belief system? What does a person do? Remain true to beliefs? Change action to be in accord with philosophical principles? Or modify thoughts and doctrines to accommodate ones nature? Wouldn’t the latter be justification and an potentially an example of ridiculous rationalization? Or would it be a matter of finding a perfect fit between the psyche and soul? Perplexing, ponderous premises naturally fit within Jupiter’s natural sign run as well, bottom lining at: “What do you know you must do?”

As we on Earth look to the Galactic Center, located in the late degrees of Sagittarius, which Jupiter will match wits with next November, we look through the Sagittarius Arm, one of the spiral arms of our galaxy. As such, more galactic stuff is out there, and within that arm is located enhanced energy and more of every galactic goodie imaginable. And beyond that, the Great Attractor, a steering mechanism for our local group of galaxies (well beyond the range of our galactic core), stands about midway in Sagittarius.

During his Sagittarian tenure, Jupiter swings by the Great Attractor in January and next August stations, going from retrograde to direct while in virtual conjunction with the Great Attractor for days.

While in Sagittarius, Jupiter engages a collection of black holes in various clusters throughout the sign that add curious cosmic complexities and ultimately consciousness resolution.

Over the next year, SkyScrapings will note these influences in more detail. More in bite-size pieces such that thought processes have ample time to chew on the multitude of ponderous revelations that lie over the next horizon.

So what can one do during Jupiter in Sag to make the most of this promising and beneficial transit?

First, keep in mind that Jupiter loves it when people respond to his prompting. He holds minimal tolerance for lengthy deliberations, hesitance and a lack of adventure. That said:

Locate your lighthouse. Align with only those beliefs that enhance your life’s mission.

Find your true north. Know your direction and be unswerving.

Know that magnetic north deviates slightly over time. Allow for openness and some fluctuation regarding the center line. Include all new input. Decide then what is valid and serves your purposes.

Calibrate your compass as required.

Speak your truth. Follow your truth.

Avoid the urge to justify or explain away what quests you know you must engage.

Remember your truth is your truth. It may not make sense to others.

Resist the temptation to convert.

Should others band around your banner, lead with the most divine inspiration that pings your personal radar.

It is a time for optimism, invention, progress, possibility and the realization that all must be included in the benefits of gains made. Jupiter, who rules “foreigners,” points out that all persons on this planet are native to this planet and as such contribute to the whole.

While Jupiter is in unrestricted territory, a raging fire sign at that, radical cranky Uranus makes a brief trek back into Aries, but has his longer term sights set on his upcoming transit through Taurus. It’s fine if you want to offer wide-ranging, far-fetching, way-out-there ideas. Uranus can dig that and groove on the radical vibe. Still, when all is said and done, make sure it adds to the bottom line. Change needs to increase that sense of stability. Shifts must underscore and emphasize in a good way... not instigate disruption. While in Taurus (ongoing in May of next year) Uranus insists that revolutions create lasting influence. Sure, he’ll fan the fires of activism, but there’s that hint that aspirations ultimately must be initiated, actualized, cultivated and must serve enduring alterations to the status quo.

Given Saturn is in Capricorn, a sign he rules, he wants the new invocations to endure the test of time.

Given Pluto shares Capricorn’s boundaries with Saturn, he smiles upon advances that promise to be applicable for the ages.

Plan, plot, promise, propitiate and populate the ethers with the best ideas imaginable. It’s open idea season for all. Those with direction, determination and a profound sense of destiny push to the front of the ranks and assume the lead. Find your personal fit and forge ahead.

More soon.